
Monthly Dev Log!

01 Jun 2020

Hey all Denny Here! Lots of big things are happening this month at the Possum House so lets jump in. It’s been a crazy sprint the past few weeks but we just wrapped up the development of Shot in the Dark! There are still some minor tweaks and adjustments to be made and we’d like to do a smudge more play testing, but yea… game’s done. So we are going to take the summer to polish and tweak as well as pitch to publishers. So yeah, we’ve made it to the end of the road and we are super proud and super tired and ready for a break.

Too bad we are getting right back to work first thing Monday (yes this Monday as in today Monday). I am super proud to announce that we will be working with Rohit Crasta on his new project 9! Lesther will be assisting with the programming and I’ll be handling the art! We are super excited to be a part of this project full of maniacal mechanical mice plotting to steal the moon. For its cheese. It’s going to be a good time.

So that’s what we will be up to this summer, you will be hearing more from us soon!